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Course Description:
The video features speakers from the Almond Board of California, NRCS, American Farmland Trust, and the East Stanislaus Resource Conservation District. Topics include soil health practices like cover crops and compost, which enhance water infiltration, nutrient availability, and carbon storage, benefiting both growers and the environment. NRCS offers cost-share funding for these practices, aligning with California’s emission reduction goals and exploring carbon market incentives for growers.
Course Objectives:
After completing this course, learners will be able to:
- Understand the various NRCS incentive opportunities available for almond growers.
- Learn about soil health practices such as cover crops, compost, and whole orchard recycling, and their benefits.
- Gain insights into the cost-share funding provided by NRCS for implementing these conservation practices.
- Explore how these practices contribute to carbon storage and the potential benefits in carbon markets.
- Discover the alignment of soil health practices with California’s emission reduction goals.
- Identify the steps to get involved with NRCS and the advantages of working with their team of experts.
- Access resources and guides developed by the Allman Board of California on implementing soil health practices.
Course Details
Credit Type
No Credit
Course Length
1 Hour
Industry Involvement
CCA, Grower, PCA, QAL, PA
Orchard Stage
Not Available
Incentives, Business Opportunities, Operation Management
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